Zoe Needle


I am a multi-disciplinary printmaker, artist and educator. I work from my studio and garden in Shrewsbury.

I make work intuitively and through deep contemplation when walking in rural and urban environments. I gather and collect textures, marks, patterns and shapes. Drawing from the mundane and everyday, I aim to capture a moment in time, the stillness and the un-noticed surfaces and marks that are often over looked… The imperfections in small things are often the spark for something new. Celebrating being in the moment I create work that reflects being in nature and moments of mindfulness. 

The print techniques I use are all analogue. I embrace the unpredictability of printmaking. I combine woodcut (printing on a press and Mokuhanga and Mokulito), mono print, collagraph and screen print. The way I create my final prints could be frowned upon by some traditional printmakers, as the prints are sometimes part of my process and not always the end result. I use a technique called decollage – where prints are cut up and intercut back together to form new outcomes – mixing and collating colours and textures into one again. I often mount these pieces on birch plywood and most recently developed a new collection called ‘Art for Small Spaces’. These are designed to free-stand or to be hung.

When I am not creating original artwork, I continue to share my knowledge and teach print techniques in my home studio, community and at festivals. I’m also part of a collaboration project called Pick n Mix prints, which is a playful print installation project that is designed primarily for adults, that we run in the community and at festivals.


Oak Tree Cottage
2A Westlands Road

M: 07974 121979

Open Days

June 8/9
November 23/24