Shrewsbury Open Studios

Sue Davies


Sue Davies welcomes you to her lovely Art Studio in her garden, surrounded by nature, colour and tweeting birds which make a glorious inspiration for creativity.

Art was something Sue had always wanted to explore and kept thinking “I’ll do that later” with no particular plan of when that would be.

Then, together with the stresses of working through the pandemic and coping with multiple personal bereavements, Sue found herself thinking “if not now, when?”, it was time to shake things up and make big changes. She found art was an immensely healing activity.

Sue says, “creating art lifts my heart and connects me to something otherworldly, spiritual even, I don’t plan a painting it sort of emerges”.

Colour and texture feature large in Sue’s art. She creates original works in acrylic on canvas, some have developed into a range of prints, available worldwide. All of Sue’s art is available to buy via her website.

Especially for the Shrewsbury Open Studio days, Sue has created beautiful Hand-embellished, Limited-Edition prints, available to buy in person from Sue.

Like her style? Sue also takes orders for Commissions, talk to her about what you’d like.

Self-taught, Sue is testament that it’s never too late to start something new and follow your heart.


7 Bromley Road
Bicton Heath

M: 07306 249501

Open Days

June 8/9
July 13/14
August 10/11
November 23/24